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A Celebration of Impact 30 Years in the Making. In 2019, we celebrate 30 years of Orange County Community Foundation leadership. Over the past three decades, we have been a dynamic force for good— inspiring a passion for lifelong philanthropy in individuals, families, and businesses, faithfully stewarding our donors’ intentions, and catalyzing sustainable community impact in Orange County and beyond. At the tender age of 30, OCCF is among the younger members of a community foundation field with more than 100 years of history, yet we have distinguished ourselves among our peers in both growth and impact. OCCF is the 10th most active grantmaker among 780 U.S. community foundations—a higher proportion of our assets is distributed through grants to nonprofits and scholarships to deserving students than all but nine of our community foundation peers across the nation.


“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
–Pablo Picasso