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See the Need. Seed the Change.For thousands of people in Orange County, the 2008-2009 economic crisis brought devastating realities. Friends, neighbors and family members lost their jobs, homes or health insurance, or simply could no longer make ends meet.

Between March 2008 to March 2009, unemployment in Orange County increased from 73,000 to 141,000 individuals — a jump from 4.5 percent to 8.6 percent of the county’s population. Former two-income families were forced to turn to food pantries to feed their children. Shelters exceeded capacity. And vulnerable children found themselves at even greater risk of neglect or abuse.

Local nonprofit service providers that were already struggling due to reduced donations and California’s budget cuts faced an avalanche of new demand for basic living needs. Some saw increased demand for services as high as 400 percent. OCCF responded quickly to help nonprofits that provide food, shelter and critical aid. Under the leadership of the Board of Governors, we launched our first community-wide initiative: “See the Need, Seed the Change.”

The goal was to infuse $750,000 into Orange County-based nonprofits that deliver safety-net services to the most vulnerable populations affected by the economic crisis: families, children at risk and the frail elderly.

Never before had OCCF aimed to make such a substantial impact in so little time.

The Orange County Endowment, a permanent source of funding to meet local needs, enabled us to immediately seed this critical effort with $250,000. Then, in just two weeks, a number of generous donor advisors matched that investment, resulting in $500,000 in challenge funds. This total allowed the Community Foundation to match every $1 donated with $2 (up to the first $250,000). The public was invited to participate over 30 days.

Word spread quickly via email, our web site, Facebook and Twitter. The response was both encouraging and swift. Some people mailed hand-written notes with $5 or $20 bills, while other individuals and corporations contributed as much as $30,000. Donors, corporations and individuals inspired to help our neighbors in need led us to not only reach our goal, but exceed it.

Less than 30 days after contributions were received, the Community Foundation distributed $832,500 in “See the Need, Seed the Change” grants to 32 local nonprofit organizations. The funding provided these agencies a much needed infusion of support and yielded life-changing returns.

For a mother named Angela, “See the Need” helped her keep her children safe. The family fell behind on utility and rent payments when her husband’s work hours were reduced. We Care of Los Alamitos, which received a $25,000 grant, paid the family’s bills and reclaimed and registered her vehicle. “You personally helped to renew my faith in people and allow assistance in my life without feeling ashamed. It was a tremendous comfort to my family, helping a mother to protect her kids from the street,” she said.

In a time of overwhelming need, together we planted a seed for community compassion and response.