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Recently, the Orange County Community Foundation (OCCF) had the pleasure of curating an inspiring volunteer experience that brought together Hyundai Capital America (HCA) and the local nonprofit, the Tiyya Foundation which supports refugees, immigrants and displaced indigenous communities. Hyundai Capital America has a strong interest in addressing food insecurity, which led to the creation of a summer philanthropy series aptly named “Be a Hunger Hero!” OCCF identified Tiyya, known for its impactful social enterprise Flavors from Afar, as the perfect partner for this initiative. Together, they orchestrated a day where HCA employees from the Irvine campus came together to prepare 200 meals for another nonprofit, recommended by Tiyya, Voice of Refugees.

The event was a resounding success, with HCA employees enthusiastically filling bags with nutritious meals. The prepared meals were then handed over to Voice of Refugees, which distributed them to individuals and families in need. The day not only provided tangible support to those facing food insecurity but also offered HCA employees a meaningful opportunity to give back to the community. It was a powerful demonstration of what can be achieved when businesses, nonprofits, and donors unite for a common cause.

Both Hyundai Capital America and Tiyya were thrilled with how the day unfolded. The positive feedback highlighted the significance of direct connections between donors and local nonprofits, paving the way for potential long-term partnerships. The collaboration provided work for refugee chefs through Flavors from Afar and crucial meals for the vulnerable population that Voice of Refugees serves. Such initiatives showcase the abundant goodwill in our county, driven by generous donors and passionate nonprofit partners. While heartfelt intentions are a great starting point, ensuring that today’s giving creates tomorrow’s impact requires strategic partnerships and sustained efforts. The Be a Hunger Hero event stands as a testament to the power of community collaboration in creating lasting change.