
Create and Sustain Your Clients’ Legacies with Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-advised funds make it easy for your clients to support their favorite charities as a part of their estate plan, and engage family members to carry on their legacy of giving.
An OCCF donor-advised fund allows your clients to:

  • Make a meaningful impact on the causes closest to their hearts
  • Complete complex charitable transactions
  • Create legacy guidelines to provide insight and direction as to their future charitable intentions
  • Gain access to a knowledgeable team of professionals who will help empower them to become stronger philanthropists
  • Name successor advisors, including their children and grandchildren, to their fund
  • Create next generation philanthropists while you enhance your relationships with your clients and their heirs

Special Estate Planning Incentive: Name Your Clients’ Fund as a Beneficiary of their Wills or Trusts

You may have clients who want to name their fund at the Orange County Community Foundation as a beneficiary of their wills or trusts, life insurance policies, or retirement plan accounts. Without the proper language, your clients’ wishes may not be fulfilled as they intended. We have specific bequest language which may be helpful in completing their estate planning documents or beneficiary designation forms. Click here to download language which describes the asset your client is leaving to their fund at the Orange County Community Foundation.

Is OCCF a Good Fit for Your Clients?

Are your clients interested in creating a donor-advised fund for either lifetime or estate giving, do they want to create and leave a legacy for future generations, or are they concerned about ensuring the privacy of their wealth and philanthropy? If so, OCCF may be a good fit for their charitable legacy planning. Contact us to see how an OCCF donor-advised fund can serve their needs.

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Margita Labhard Senior Director of Philanthropic Strategy

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